WinRT Support Blog

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Fixed : Setup telling me I need at least 1 GB of RAM

Problem was that we used the Installshield NUMBER Type to store available virtual memory, (-2.147.483.648 +2.147.483.647) so it overflows when you have more than 2GB of virtual memory.

We have uploaded a new Winrt 3.4.5 setup that tried to correct this problem.


WinRt support.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Dan asked :

Hey is there any chance of an SSL enabled version of this in the future?


Not a bad idea, it is probably a pretty simple operation to get the Apache to run HTTPS.

I can see that it would of cause be an even easier install if you vould just click SSL in setup.

I see 2 routes here :

a) Self signed certificate, Traffic is encrypted but user cannot be sure he is talking to your server
You would click SSL, specify the url for your winnt installation (, and we would generate a certificate to this url.

b) Certified certificate, you would have to generate a "Certificate Request" from apache/winrt installer, then 3-4 days later a place to install it into the WinRT and reconfigure everything to make it work.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Setup telling me I need at least 1 GB of RAM

Dan tried the new 3.4.5 and found the First Bug - Good job.

"I have 2gb of virtual memory on every drive and 2gb of physical memory on the server. I can't understand why I would be getting this error. Any ideas?


My Answer : "Hi Dan.

I specifically put in the memory check because installing on a machine with less than 1GB of virtual memory will fail silently with all kinds of problems.

My install worked fine with 1GB of Ram and 1.5 GB virtual memory.

Maybe we have an overflow condition in the Installshield, my programmer is looking at the problem but it might be a couble of days before we have an answer.

I know it sounds stupid but try reducing available memory (if you - like me - install on vmware then it is just a mouse click).

WinRT Support

Interested in Testing Beta1

I got nice emails from Dan and Bill that they would like to test Beta1.

Thanks Guys, I didn't publish your comments because they both had your email address inside.

The 3.4.5 Beta1 is now ready for download on

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Upgrading WinRT

With 100+ WinRt Downloads in just 2 months of WinRt 3.0.16 the next support question will be :How do I update my WinRT from 3.0.16 to 3.4.5 ?

Honestly, I don't know - now that we got the major bug out of the way we will look into the problems of upgrading.

Asset Tracker Extension

We got the Support Question : I was wondering if there would be any interest in adding in the Asset Tracker extension for the Request Tracker software. It can be found at and would be a handy addition to this software package.

Answer : Asset Tracker is interesting but not currently on the wish list of netVigilances Customers, I foresee that it will be a while before we will consider this, If you want to pay for a conversion then we can always allocate some resources sooner :-)

Working WinRT 3.4.5 Beta1....

I got a new release of WinRT 3.4.5 today, It installas file, I can login and I made a ticket successfully, so the major problem with 3.4.4 has been solved, I have NOT done any other testing, and I need some volunteers to play with it before it goes into production release. It will go onto the web in a couble of Days for download, I you want to Play with the beta before that leave me a comment on this blog.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

We got a Question to the status of our problems :

This is the status. 3.4.4 will not make a final release - we are currently working on the port of 3.4.5
The problems we had in 3.4.4 also appeared in 3.4.5, so we are killing two birds with one stone.

We have put 400 man hours into 3.4.5 on top of 3.4.4, but the problem is elusive, we did manage to get a working version 3.4.5, but we are currently working on getting to installer tov install the working version every time.

Don't worry we will continue to throw resources after RT until it works, but I am reluctant to make any time estimates.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Oracle ?

We got a question from Austria : it WinRT running with Oracle 10g, but is it eazy to swith to Oracle?

1) WinRT is currently designed to run with MySql
2) I have not idea how much trouble it is to switch to Oracle, our current main concern it to get it running in a stable manner, then we can worry about switching database later.